Data Audification & Physicalization

        Never a moment that the world is actually quiet. The installation uses sound, a timebase media to represent the circadian rhythm of four species : Human( higest pitch ) , Mouse (a nocturnal), Reindeer(free runing cycle) , Columbian Monkey (lunar cycle). Using P5Js to plot the data, one puched hole represents one hours of activeness. Each animal data occupied a different pitch in music box (a difference line of the paper stip). All created music of lifes.

        As antropocen effects animals circadiaan rhythm in many ways like how artificial light cause higher brain functions and associated neuronal changes in song birds, and disrupts central and peripheral reproductive clocks leading to altered uterine physiology and reduced pregnancy success in albino mice. This installation would like to promote the sychronous harmony living across species. Just like a music in which cannot compose of a single note.

Data Visualization

        Inspired by actogram, a scienctific graphical representation of an organism's phases of activity and rest over the course of a day, the visualization rearraged in the format of 12 rows(months), and printed on the translucent papers. By overlap them, we can see the black units are filling up all the space.

        The Audification and Visualization provided a different sense of the same set of information. While auification is time base, offer user live in moment data: there is an animal is active right now, the visuallizaiton, however, offer the overall picture of the year.